Block A, Suite 58, Primal-tek Plaza, Mukola Busstop, Egbeda, Lagos State 

          08161453259          07031491886        

If you are a woman diagnosed with fibroids, pay attention;

Because what I am about to show you is a new discovery that tells you the real cause of fibroids

And how you can dissolve them naturally without surgery (Myomectomy)

Dear friend,


if you have ever been diagnosed with fibroids.


Don’t let your doctor or anyone tell you it’s small and nothing to worry about.


It is a trap.

A trap that sets you up for surgery.

Because two things are going to happen.

  • The doctor/surgeon is going to make some money.
  • While you put not only the baby’s life at risk but also your fertility as a woman.

Imagine being barren for life all because of a surgery that is supposed to save you from being barren.


Today, you have a chance to yourself and your home


Don’t blame your doctor yet.


I will tell you who to blame.


Just stay with me,


On this page, I will explain in detail.


  • Why surgery is bad for you but why do the doctors keep recommending it?


  • The recent discovery that shows the real cause of fibroids


  • And how this discovery helped me dissolve my fibroids permanently with any surgery.
  • But first, allow me to introduce myself.

And tell you my story of how I discovered this remedy that helped me naturally dissolve my fibroids.


My name is Funmi Atinuke.


And I am not just a marketer or some medical personnel that just wants to sell you bottles of medicine.


I am just a 37-year-old civilian.


And it all started when I began to feel slightly bloated.


At first, I thought it was because of my late-night food.


Until I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen and also feeling pressure in my abdomen.


The pain started to become intense, so I knew I had to see a doctor.


It was then I was diagnosed with fibroids and confirmed to be 7 weeks pregnant.


On hearing that I was pregnant, I was already filled with joy.


Until the doctor told me, the chance of the baby surviving was 50/50.


Because the fibroid might eventually grow and suffocate the baby before its term.


This is the reason why I said earlier that you shouldn’t let anyone tell you the fibroids are small and shouldn’t worry about it.

You are only putting your life in danger.

You might live through your teen years with little or no fibroid growth.


But as soon as you get pregnant.


It will increase in size because now it competes with the fetus for nutrients.


At this point, surgery is necessary.


While you still lose the baby.


Now myomectomy is a major and very delicate surgery that needs to be carried out by seasoned doctors


Who have had several years of active practice taking out these tumors (At least 15-30 successful surgeries per year).


Hence, if you live in a 3rd world country like Nigeria, it might be a huge risk for you.


Especially if you still have the hopes of conceiving again.


It is a risky procedure for a relief that is temporary.


Myomectomy only takes care of existing fibroids.


The possibility of a regrowth is as high as 85%.

How many times would you want your stomach to be cut?

It’s not worth it! At all.


I only recommend surgery when the fibroid is so big and there’s a potential for it to burst.


And can lead to death if care is not taken as soon as possible.


No fibroid should ever get to this point!

Now back to my story.

On hearing the sad news of a 50/50 chance of my baby’s survival.


I went home feeling very sad.


Four months after, I lost the baby.


My very first child.


It was a very painful experience.


Now the symptoms have become more intense.


I couldn’t sit or stand no more.


The pain became too intense.


My legs were hurting.


My spine was hurt.


My pelvis was hurt.


Literally, every part of my body was hurting.


I couldn’t sleep at night… it got to a point, I wished for death.


But I eventually went for surgery with the help of my husband.


The surgery was a success. And the fibroids were removed.


I felt so relieved and happy.


Then 2 years after the fibroid surgery.


I started to gain some weight again. My tummy got big.


I was seeing my monthly period, so I went to the doctor to confirm the good news of the fruit of the labor.

Only for me to be diagnosed with fibroids again.

I screamed! Fibroids again!


Despite the huge amount of money, I spent on the last surgery.


I cried to my husband “I don’t want to go under the knives again”.


I felt like a disappointment to my husband.


The thought of losing my husband to another woman.


Not able to conceive ever again.


Been barren forever.


Soon, I started feeling depressed.


This continued for about 3 months.


Until one day, I met a friend of mine from school.


She was my best friend during school that year.


We haven’t seen or heard from each other for years.


I was so happy to see her.


We met at a cafeteria.


We exchanged pleasantries and gisted about life after school.


Soon she started asking if I was fine.


If there’s something I’m worried about.


At first, I was reluctant to say anything so I said I was fine.


But later on, I had to open up to her.

Guess it was obvious I wasn’t feeling too well.

I had cried profusely earlier that very day.


I explained to her what I was going through as regards my fibroids.


She smiled at me and told me not to worry about it.


She says she has a solution for me.


A solution that has helped several women like me.


She was so sure it would help me.


She gave me her contact and address.


And told me to see her in the next 3 days at her house.


On getting to her house, she introduced me to this remedy.


I started using it immediately, but for the first 30 days, I didn’t really feel any improvement.


But I kept my faith high and continued using this remedy.


Then between the 40th to 45th day, I started to feel this pressure in my private part.

Like something was trying to come out.

3 days later, I saw my period. And surprisingly, it wasn’t painful at all.


The next day, at about 12 pm, I felt this pressure in my private part, so I rushed to the toilet.


On getting to the toilet, I delivered two big fibroids.


My husband was amazed so we rushed to the hospital for a test.


The ultrasound showed no sign of fibroids.


All thanks to this remedy, now I am a mother of two.


And I did it naturally with no surgery needed


If it worked for me, it can work for you too.

Now I know you are anxious to know what this remedy is.

I will show you in a moment.


But first, let me show you how it works.


You see, new and recent discoveries have now shown that…


What actually causes fibroids comes down to an imbalance between two hormones in the body.


Estrogen and progesterone.


Don’t just take my word for it, here’s a research published by the most experienced fibroid specialist;

Here’s another study that supports my claim;

You see, these two hormones are the most important hormones in the female body.


An imbalance between these two has a terrible impact on a woman’s health.


  • Estrogen, a steroid hormone, carries physiological messages to the uterus to grow and replace the lining that is shed during menses.


  • Progesterone helps regulate menstruation, prepares the body for pregnancy, and aids in nourishing the uterine environment to support the implantation of a fertilized egg as well as the growth of the placenta.


When the estrogen levels are too high, it can cause the growth of fibroids, and with insufficient progesterone, the body has no way to stop this growth.

Now, you may think that balancing these hormones is the key to shrinking these fibroids.

I wish it was that simple.


Balancing the hormones has minimal effects on already-grown fibroids.


Although, it might help reduce its growth.


But it doesn’t stop its growth, nor does it shrink it.


So how exactly can we shrink these fibroids you may ask?


This is where the remedy comes in.

Introducing you to



This is the most natural way to shrink and dissolve fibroids permanently without any side effects.


And it does it using a 3-STEP PROTOCOL.


Balancing the hormones is only one of the protocols.


What are these 3-step protocols?


Protocol 1: Balancing the hormones

This happens within the first 20 days of taking Fibro Dissolve Herbal


It works by stimulating the pituitary gland.


The pituitary gland is also called the master gland.


It is responsible for maintaining a balance between these hormones.


Fibro Dissolve Herbal contains active ingredients that support the endocrine system to create more progesterone hormones.


To help balance out the estrogen dominance in women with fibroids.


Protocol 2: Activation of Fibronol.

This step takes place after the 20 days of active intake of Fibro Dissolve Herbal


Activating Fibronol helps to starve the fibroids and dissolve them.


It begins when certain hormonal balance has been achieved (protocol 1).


By then, the blood, estrogen and some other nutrients getting to the fibroids must have been cut off.


Then the Fibronol enzymes are activated to break down these fibroids.


During this stage, you no longer feel any menstrual pain or heavy bleeding.


Protocol 3: Stimulates an antifibroid defense that prevents new fibroid growth around the uterus.

This step starts after about 50 days of using Fibro Dissolve Herbal


This step lasts forever (about 45 years).


It helps to prevent fibroid from re-growing again by decreasing cell proliferation, gene and protein expression


Which are the key factors promoting fibrosis and mechanotransduction in fibroid cells


In simple terms, Fibro Dissolve Herbal acts as an immunity destroying them without harming normal cells that make up a healthy uterus


Now, you will see that if you start using the Fibro Dissolve Herbal today, you will be 2 months away from living a fibroid-free life.


Imagine being free from the pain and discomfort caused by these fibroids.


Imagine you are now able to conceive and have a baby of your own.


Imagine how loving your husband will be when he sees that you have become a woman again.


This is your chance!

A Chance To Save Your Home







Here’s how you can get your Fibro Dissolve Herbal today.

A bottle of Fibro Dissolve Herbal is usually #30,000 Naira

But because you have done me the courtesy of taking your time to read throughout this page,

I will be giving you a 32% Discount here on this page.

N20,500 Naira


1 pack


N39,500 Naira


3 packs

This is all you need for a fibroid-free life.



Because we will never roll-out this kind of offer ever again


No business would ever continue to offer their products at a price that gives the business zero profit 

And I must warn you.


We are common with the statement “we are out of stock”.


And this is because we are only able to produce a limited quantity.


Because we only make use of premium herbal ingredients.


Sourced from different parts of the world.

Hence, if this is something that you know you need.


Then I would advise you to place an order as soon as possible.


Because right now, there are hundreds of people reading this page as you are reading now.


I don’t want you to come back later and then you would have to wait for the next batch to place an order.


And also, we are very much convinced that the FIBRO DISSOLVE HERBAL will work for you

Dear Client,


In our 7 years experience in the business of helping good women like you live a fibroid free life, 


We have learnt through intensive research that its good that you include our Fertility Booster to your fibroid treatment plan. (especially for those of us seeking for the fruit of the womb)


The advantage of this combo is that it forces the body into child bearing mood.


And this triggers the body to get rid of anything standing in the way of child bearing, including fibroid

So, this is a win win situation


Quite Optional, but if you can afford it this minute, include;


to your order and you will never regret it

Fertiloboost is one of our chief products we brag so much about 



  • Removes PID
  • Slows down fibroid growth
  • Opens fallopian tubes
  • Corrects ovarian syndrome and endocrine system disorder


Please, do not miss this opportunity, because just like you, we can’t wait for your good news to arrive as soon as possible


If you have trouble placing an order please call the number below

081 61 45 32 59

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